Chapter 1.8

Hello everyone and welcome back to DISBI! πŸ™‚ Last chapter we completed a few aspiration milestones, almost got Nico to top-notch toddler, met Emilia’s kids, and welcomed oopsie baby Copper to the household. Let’s check in on everyone!

Anni and Nico are racing against the clock to max his thinking skill, it’s the last one left and his age bar is bubbling. It’s 2pm and he’s halfway there. Go go go go!!!

Copper is snoozing away in the bassinet in the back.

Grace is trolling teh forums while Todd watches her.

Isla and Denice both brought home school projects, but instead of starting them, they decided to dance and chat in the living room instead.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get Nico to level 5 thinking in time. His energy was in the red, so I decided to quickly have him blow out the candles and age him up. He earned us +5 for happy toddler, at least!

Nico’s a pretty cute kid. πŸ™‚ He is a cat lover, and his aspiration is artistic prodigy! I’m happy he got something different than Isla and Denice.

Instead of sleeping in his super cool bunk bed, Nico steals Isla’s bed. /sigh. Let’s hope she finds one of the bunk beds to sleep in.

Anni will forever be adding massage controls to beds, lol. Until I can’t control her anymore, that is.

Anni: That day can’t come soon enough.

Oh hush, you haven’t had it that bad.

Grace is trying her best to help Todd with his thinking skill, but he also has an “ignored” sentiment with Grace, so he’s sad when he’s around her, just like Denice. 😦

This little girl, Melinda Volkov (one of Kristopher Volkov’s daughters with Sienna Grove) was randomly outside the house, so I had Anni invite her inside. After a little makeover, she’s super cute! Unfortunately, she’s on day 16 of 18 as a child, so she’s too old to be a future spouse. But she can at least be friends with Nico.

Nico is officially the second kid to use the science table, ever. Please don’t start it on fire, kplzthx.

I spotted good ol’ elder Nancy Landgraab fiddling with her phone outside and wanted to snap a picture. She hasn’t aged too badly!

Speaking of aging…

OH MY GOD!!! I was having Anni make some cakes and throw a party since it’s her and Grace’s birthday, but then she suddenly started DYING! NOOO!!!

Grim please, nooo!!! Anni never got to see her children grow up!

Everyone is crying. 😦 I’m going to use the kids’ child actions to all plead for Anni’s life.

Isla: Please Grim Reaper sir, don’t take my mommy!

Grim: ….

Anni: What? I’m alive?

OMG it worked. 😭 That was so stressful, I think I have the “Fear of Death” fear now. Thankfully everyone stayed, so Anni and Grace could blow out their candles and have their party, like I originally planned.

Life looks good on you, Anni. Stop trying to die.

Anni: It wasn’t my fault, I swear. I want to watch my babies grow up! I want to be a grandmother!

And you will, as long as you don’t go all hysterical again! You about gave me a heart attack.

Grace’s turn! She doesn’t look happy about it. She’s still beautiful.

I splurged on the family and bought them an ice cream machine. Look how adorable Nico is with his confident strut and ice cream cone! From this angle, it looks like he’s checking out Sofia lol.

I guess everyone is helping themselves to our ice cream. πŸ™„

Sofia: What? It looked good!

It does, I’ll give you that.

Isla! You’re finally playing outside! And you’re using the rainbow marble Anni found for you!

Isla: Hush, I’m concentrating.

Oh, okay. I’ll just watch from a distance. >.>

That’s not good for your eyes, Nico. There’s a perfectly good couch you can sit on to watch the tv. And uh, Grim? You can go home at any time. Thanks for sparing Anni.

Per salemsvartulv’s suggestion, I had Anni influence Isla to do her homework and had Anni help, to try and complete the second milestone of the whiz kid aspiration. It worked! So we only gotta do it one more time and we’ll be on to the final milestone. πŸ˜€

Copper’s turn to have a birthday! Floaty cloud time, activate!

AWH, he has glasses and pierced ears! I will absolutely be keeping those. He rolled wiggly as his trait, a new one for us. He’s also a spellcaster, leaving Nico the only poor child without any magic, lol.

Yep, he’s a cutie. He definitely has more of Grace’s skin tone, which I’m happy about!


Hi, cuties! No A’s from Denice or Nico yet, but I just wanted to show y’all how adorable everyone is. Isla also decided to invite over Melinda, the girl from earlier!

Just a pic of the family. I ❀ them.

Tummy tiiiiime~!

Since the kids were clearly not interested in starting their school projects, I had Anni influence them to do so. I love the parenting skill. lol

Spoiler: The girls worked on their projects for five whole minutes before getting up and doing something else. /sigh. Looks like Anni will be doing them both herself.

Lightning sucks. It zapped our splash pad to smithereens.

I really want Anni to get to the top of her career, so we finally got Miko to come over so that we can befriend her and stop being rivals. You can’t tell in this picture, but she’s got a bun in the oven!

Miko also spontaneously aged up while Anni was getting to know her. Welcome to adulthood, Miko!

Anni: I know you’ve got kids, and are going to have another one, so I thought you might like to see one of my babies!

Copper: *adoring the attention*

We didn’t quite make her our friend before she left, but they are out of the red, so I count that as a win for now!

Grace got her last discoverable trait! Finally. She’s now neat, along with goofball, noncommittal, romantic, cheerful, and squeamish.

Denice brought us an A!!! Atta girl! +5 You’re lookin’ a little stinky, though.

Denice: Shut up. I got an A, didn’t I?

You’re right. Yeesh. >.>

Oh ew, Copper had his first blowout on Grace.

Grace: I’m glad Copper is the last baby. This stinks.


Also… If anyone is wondering how everyone is getting so slim, the ice cream flavor I’ve had Anni make is “Taste of Diet”. 🀭 I wish that worked in real life! Although I think everyone ate a little too much, some of the kids look like skeletons.

Denice is the first one to find the block table! I’m impressed. Good job, Denice!

Todd’s turn to learn potty! Having Copper kind of threw a wrench in the plans, so I don’t think we’re going to get top-notch toddler with Todd, either. Tomorrow is Isla’s birthday, and the day after is his birthday; he’s max on movement, communication, and imagination, but only level 3 thinking and level 1 potty.

Grace maxed the parenting skill! That doesn’t surprise me, since she’s a very attentive mama. She maxed the dancing skill too, apparently. Noice! +20

NICO! You made a mess on top of your little brother. Rude.

Um… I know Anni invited you over to hang out with the kids, Loren, but staring at her and Grace creepily while they sleep ain’t it, kid. Love the hair though.

I gave him a little makeover and peaked at his sisters as YAs (Mariah and Lyla) and they are CUUUTE. Too bad they’re infants right now. One of them could be a cute spouse for Copper or Todd.

We also invited over Melinda and HOLY SMOKES is she gorgeous. I gave her a clothing overhaul, but I left her hair the same. She gives me mischievous/punk vibes. Her two siblings are also gorgeous aged up, lol. We’ve got some seriously good-looking kids out of the townies. Melinda is a dog lover (*looks at Nico with his cat lover trait*) and a klepto. Let’s hope she doesn’t steal from our house.

Melinda is also the only one of her siblings that isn’t a werewolf. Something else her and Nico have in common… >.>

Loren’s crushin’ hardcore. Me too kid, me too.

Denice and Nico are sleeping, so the only one awake is little Miss Isla, who is absorbed in what Jared is telling her (we invited him over too, of course.) He’s pretty cute when he ages up. >.> I feel like I’m always looking for future spouses for my kids, lol.

It’s the next day, so you know what time it is… Birthday time!

*low whistle* Stunning. She rolled good as her second trait, and she also got the high self-esteem trait! +5 Isla’s aspiration is to be a self-care specialist. It feels like the perfect path for our sweetheart.

That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

Self Wetting: -5: 3 (-15)
Pass Out: -5: 7 (-35)
Failing School: -5:
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: -5:
Accidental Deaths: -10:
Fires: -10:
Social Worker Visit: -15:
Single Birth: +5: 5 (25)
Twins: +10:
Triplets: +15:
Any sim in the household completing an Aspiration Milestone (C/T/A): +5: 6 (30)
Any sim in the household completing a full Aspiration (C/T/A): +10:
All toddler Skills at level 3: +5: 1 (5)
Skills (C/T/A) maxed by NTH family members: +10: 2 (20)
Children (C/T) earning an A in school: +5: 2 (10)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: +5: 1 (5)
Top-Notch Infant Trait Earned: +10: 4 (40)
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: +10:
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): +10:
NTH sims passing University classes with a grade of C or higher: +5:
NTH sims passing University classes with A+: +10:
NTH sims graduating University with A+ in all classes:+15:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: +10:
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: +10:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned: +20:
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: +5: 1 (5)
Total: 90

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