Chapter 1.5: Broke as a Joke

Hi guys, and welcome back to DISBI! Before we get into the story; a very kind user over on boolprop gently informed me that I was tallying points for the individual goals in the aspiration milestones, instead of tallying points for one whole milestone when it was complete. *facepalm* Our new total for points is a humble 35.

Also… Not me repeatedly referring to aspirations as lifetime wishes… TS3 anyone? >.>

Now back to our regular scheduled programming! Last time we introduced little baby Nico into the world, Grace decided to lose the family points, and both Nico and Denice had a few birthdays.

Seems like someone isn’t happy about being a toddler. Yeesh. Isla is in the back, as happy as a clam, per usual.

Denice used the potty all on her own! 😀 Miss Independent. ❤

Oh great. And here I thought Nico would be hard to handle. At least this will give Anni a chance to discipline her toddler/child/teen five times to complete another milestone of her aspiration.

Denice got her last two quirks immediately after this one–she loves being held, and she loves water! I forgot to mention Isla’s; she’s a heavy sleeper, a wanderer, and loves sounds. I’m obsessed with the infant and toddler quirks. ❤

I upgraded the kitchen slightly to give them another counter for a popcorn machine, and a nice new table and chairs for their growing family.

Huggin’ in out after splashing in the toilet. Only 4 more disciplines to go!

I have Anni upgrading the bed with massage controls to increase the energy gained when she and Grace sleep. Grace’s bar is orange and she’s not even a quarter of the way done with work… She’ll probably pass out as soon as she gets back.

Omg they loooove each other 😭 Denice blew Isla a kiss but I missed it. Take my word for it, it would have melted your heart.

Looks like Grace has a work rival now! If she wasn’t going to get a promotion before, she certainly isn’t now. lol Maybe we can invite him over and see if she’s mean or nice to him.

They’re all sleeping at the same time! I feel like this won’t last long. Grace’s energy AND bladder were in the red…

Spoiler: Upgrading the bed saved us! Grace had just enough energy to run to the bathroom, use the toilet, clean the sink, AND wash some dishes before going to bed without passing out. Let’s see if our luck holds. lol

Isla maxed her imagination!! ❤ All she needs now is potty and thinking at level three, and she’ll earn us some points. Go go go!! (She’s definitely the golden child.)

I read over the rules and Lynnwood says it’s +5 for maxed toddler skills, but the scoresheet only had skills maxed from child/teen/adult at +10, so I took the liberty of adding that to my scoresheet. +5

DENICE! You little turd. She ran right up to the doll house when she woke up and destroyed it. >.< I sent Anni over for another “hug it out” moment. I suppose Denice is helping us earn points in her own way…

Isla’s broken-hearted about her dollies. 💔 I had to have Anni fix it ASAP.

Woohoo!! Gotta love promotions. 😀 She’s level 7 now. Side note, I wish I only had to work three days a week…

Reading to the girls ❤ looks like we need a bigger couch/some floor poofs.

Grace: I’m so over being pregnaaaant…

I knooow, it’s the last child, I promise.

Broken agaaain. But the hug-it-out sesh did help Anni complete her second milestone. +5

Bye-bye, points. -5. You are full of fail, Grace. I guess you could say that you’re a dis-Grace. *badumtiss*

Grace: That’s mean.

Yeah well, you keep losing me points. Also, Nico is STARVING. Anni, hurry and come home before he’s taken away. 😭

I can smell this picture. 🤢

Emilia came over! Thank you for taking out our garbage. Hey, since Grace is bathing the girls, would you change Nico’s diaper while you’re at it? >.>

Emilia: What? I don’t see anyone who needs their diaper changed. *keeps eyes closed*

Honestly, fair.

Baby time! I wonder what we’ll get! 😀

Grace: The watcher promised this would be my last child, so you’ll never see me here again!

Receptionist: Uh…

Keep making cute babies and I might go back on my word, Grace.

Anni: ZOMG doc, that’s supposed to stay inside her!

Grace: *dies*

Anyone else find the heart being pulled out hilarious? It happened twice this hospital trip. lol

Welcome baby boy Todd Darling. ❤ +5

Denice is singing to Nico, like Isla once did for her. ❤ 🥹

I feel a little bad for Nico; with the girls being toddlers he definitely didn’t get as much tummy time from his mamas as either Isla or Denice, so he hasn’t hit many milestones. He hasn’t learned how to roll over, crawl, nothing. 😭 He probably won’t get top-notch infant.

Grace is helping Isla with her thinking skill! It’s the last one we need for those sweet, sweet points. Go girls, go!!

WE DID IT! +5 for all toddler skills being 3, and +10 for potty and communication being maxed.

We are having LOTS of hug-it-out sessions with Denice–breaking the dollhouse multiple times, playing in the toilet, making a mess outside (even though it disappeared and no one had to clean it up), and being defiant. She’s quite the handful. But with all the experience, Anni mastered the parenting skill! …. And they have the “Permissive” dynamic. 😡

Anni rolled a wish to be outside for eight hours (probably not happening this trip), so I took her and Isla to the park. I wanted to have a toddler day since Grace was away at work, but Denice was exhausted and sleeping, so we’ll bring her with next time. I love their sand gnome, he looks pretty neat.

I had ulterior motives for bringing the girls here. Anni needs to gather $1k simoleons in donations to get a promotion, so we’re out here collecting!

Old lady: Hm, that does seem like a good cause… Sure, I’ll give you a $100!

Anni: Thanks! 😁

With her charisma at 6 or 7, Anni got almost everyone I had her meet to agree to donate $250!

Just a picture of Isla. Yep, still cute. Also there’s a “scraped knee” moodlet they can get from playing in the tubes! I had no idea that was a thing. I very rarely take my sims out on excursions, but I will try to do that more often with this family to make it more interesting. I didn’t get a picture of it, but Isla maxed her movement skill this trip. +5

Anni got all of her donations though, so time to head home!

When Todd cries, Nico cries, and vice versa. They keep waking up Denice and making her sad. Look at that face. 😟 Thank god Isla is a heavy sleeper.

We’ve got some birthdays to celebrate!

I’m not very good at building/decorating, but I wanted to spruce up Anni and Grace’s bedroom since I was going to expand the house with another bathroom and a bedroom for Isla since she’ll be a child now. I made the first bathroom an en suite bathroom for Grace and Anni.

Buuut… We ran out of money after I furnished the second bathroom. 😶 This is why I usually cheat in my other saves! 🤣

I had Anni look for some odd jobs, and had her be a Sand Sculpture Judge! I’ve never tried this feature before in the game. I’ll probably have her doing this a bunch if I drain the family funds too low since she only works three days a week.

Real quick, though. Anni, why are you sparkling? She’s got little stars sparkling around her, but I’ve got no idea what they’re from.

Well, not as much money as I’d hoped, but it’s a start! They only had $2 in their funds, so we can at least start painting with this money, haha. But enough stalling… Birthday time!

I missed the candle blowout. 🥴 Oops. Sorry Isla. As usual, all the guests are OUTSIDE instead of CHEERING for the birthday girl. Ugh.

Also… Yikes! Let’s fix this outfit.

Much better! She’s still so cute. ❤ She did not get top-notch toddler, or happy toddler, so no points there. Oh well. Isla rolled lazy as her trait, just like Anni. I used a number generator and rolled a 2, so her aspiration is Whiz Kid. Once we have enough money again, I’ll buy a chess table. But first, she needs a bed! lol.

This was all we could afford and left us with $22. 😶 How depressing. I sold two random dining chairs that were in the family inventory and the old dollhouse and brought us up to $200, so we can finish her room a little bit.

Floaty cloud time! We didn’t forget about you, Todd. He rolled sunny for his trait. He has Grace’s hair and eyes, and he’s also a spellcaster, with the weak bloodline trait. This leaves Nico as the only non-spellcaster, like Anni.

Here he is after his makeover! Adorable. Spoiler: he grows up HAAAANDSOME. I don’t envy ya’ll, all the kids are really good-looking!

Grace has just been standing here for two hours while her energy drains away. /sigh. Denice looks happy though.

I tried to have Anni interact with her, but the action would queue and then disappear, so I had to resetsim on Grace. This got her out of her trance and she went inside to sleep, thank god.

Oh God. Just like Nico. This outta be good…

Yep, Denice is still cute, too. She doesn’t have any skills maxed yet, but she’s at 4 for communication and imagination. She only needs potty and thinking at 3 and she’ll earn us some points!

Isla still loves her dollies. ❤

Isla: Then one mommy said to the other mommy, “I love you, let’s get married!” and the other mommy said, “but I’m noncommital–“

WHOA, what did Grace teach you? 😲

It’s the next day, now it’s Nico’s time to shine! Poor, neglected Nico. I didn’t invite anyone over this time, so he doesn’t get a party. >___> As soon as Anni put the candles on his cake, Grace ran up and smooched her. I still love them, Grace has been a good ISBI spouse. ❤

Still a cutie, even though he’s in dire need of a makeover. Nico rolled charmer and got the top-notch infant trait! That’s surprising, but I’ll take it. +10

Much better! 😀

With that, I’ll end this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

Self Wetting: -5: 3 (15)
Pass Out: -5: 1 (5)
Failing School: -5:
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: -5:
Accidental Deaths: -10:
Fires: -10:
Social Worker Visit: -15:
Single Birth: +5: 4 (20)
Twins: +10:
Triplets: +15:
Any sim in the household completing an Aspiration Milestone (C/T/A): +5: 4 (20)
Any sim in the household completing a full Aspiration (C/T/A): +10:
All toddler Skills at level 3: +5: 1 (5)
Skills (Toddler) maxed: +5: 4 (20)
Skills (C/T/A) maxed by NTH family members: +10:
Children (C/T) earning an A in school: +5:
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: +5:
Happy Toddler Trait Earned: +5:
Top-Notch Infant Trait Earned: +10: 3 (30)
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: +10:
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): +10:
NTH sims passing University classes with a grade of C or higher: +5:
NTH sims passing University classes with A+: +10:
NTH sims graduating University with A+ in all classes:+15:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: +10:
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: +10:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned: +20:
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: +5:

Total: 75

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