Chapter 1.4: Points Are a Fickle Thing

Hello, and welcome back to DISBI! 😁 Last chapter Anni and Grace mended their marriage, we welcomed little Denice into the world, and had quite a few birthdays for the little ones. Without further ado, onto the update.

They had some extra cash, so I bought a few more toddler items and expanded the nursery. One of the items I bought was this play tent, but they had no room inside, so I put it outside. I see now that was a mistake… I had Anni rescue Isla and put her in her proper bed. The tent now resides in the kitchen.

Now you come inside, Morgyn. To play with our BlickBlock table. -.-

Well. That is pretty cute. You’re forgiven for missing both the girls aging up.

Tummy time! ❤ Denice is now an early riser who frequently sneezes.

Oops, looks like Love Day snuck up on us. Gotta decorate/celebrate!

What better way to celebrate than to bring in child #3? 😉 I want a boy goshdarnit. I won’t be peaking in MCCC, so I will be just as surprised as you guys!

Whew. I’m happy she got this quirk, now her siblings won’t wake her up as easily when they start crying.

They now have a fancy desk and computer! Maybe this will also help Grace level up her programming skill and get her a promotion… In a Wilde ISBI, Mojo uses the club features and makes one of the activities programming, so we might end up doing that as well.

Anni’s energy was in the red, but both kids were hungry, so I got her a sleep replacement potion. Down the hatch! Now get to tending those babies!

Grace is a good mom. ❤ She’s teaching Isla to talk. 🥹 Her communication skill is now level 2. Isla is all smiles, all the time. I love her so much.

ISLA NO!! I know you’re a wanderer, but please, get back in the house, it’s raining! 😭 She came back in but was uncomfortably wet and sad about it, so I had Anni change her clothes.

Methinks the tent was a good idea. I hope the tent isn’t cheating. lol Let me know if ya’ll think it is, and I’ll remove it. I got it because I thought it could help them improve their imagination skills on their own.

Look who came over! HI, Emilia! I checked MCCC and her partner, Liberty, is pregnant with a baby boy! A potential future spouse, mayhaps? >__> Also… Get off my laptop. *locks computer for everyone but household*

NO, Vlad. Go away. Both Anni and Grace are equipped with garlic. GTFO.

Potty level 2!! Isla doesn’t look too enthused. But I am! Less diapers to change!

Anni: Hey, I’m the one changing them.

But would you change them if I didn’t make you? Hush.

Isla is singing Denice a song ❤ I love how toddlers and infants interact with each other. Both the girls are really easy to take care of, let’s hope baby #3 is the same! lol

Remember that cauldron I said I would buy Grace like, a million years ago? Finally got it. Let’s see if she uses it at all or if it gathers dust. With the purchase, she completed 2 milestones. +10

Baby time!!! YES! Too bad Anni just left for work. This will be the first birth she misses.

Grace got another angry phone call from her boss for missing work…

Grace: But sir, I’m in labor!

Boss: If you ain’t dyin’, then you should be workin’! *hangs up*

At this rate, she’ll never promote. lol

Welcome baby BOY, Nico Darling. ❤ Just what I wanted. 😁 +5

Also, none of the kiddos have Grace’s skin tone. Little bummed about that.

Isla isn’t too happy about having a stinky brother, or any siblings for that matter lol. She gets this moodlet every time Grace gives any attention to Niko or Denice.

I expanded the nursery a little more and noticed these windows were off-center. That bothers me. *fixes*

Anni finally has a moment between the kids to practice the guitar! I would have forgotten she was a music lover if it wasn’t for the tense moodlet she gets when she doesn’t listen to music for a while. The guitar has been sitting in her inventory for ages, she’s never busted it out on her own.

I love them. ❤ I’m going to take a cute picture of the TH and spouse and add it to the wall each generation.

It was here I remembered we needed to immortalize Anni, so I bought her a camera to level up her photography skill.

Just another pic of Grace being an amazing mother, as per usual. I’ll be surprised if they don’t all age up with Top Notch traits.

Toddler love. ❤ It’s Nico’s birthday today! You know what that means…

FLOATY CLOUD TIME! What a cutie. Nico rolled intense as his trait. Yeesh. 😭 Good infant/toddler times I think are over. Darn it, Nico. He is the only kid that’s not a spellcaster, either. I took a peak in CAS and he’s pretty cute, too. I think he has tough competition with the girls, though.

I changed the rugs to match the kids, I think it’s super cute. ❤

I liked the orange he was in, so I made those his outfit colors. 😁

I thought he got the intense trait, not the clingy trait! *badumtiss*

Oops. I jinxed myself. /sigh. Great.

Spoiler: after fussing, he went to sleep. Surprise surprise, he also got the “loves being held” quirk when he woke up.

Gotta love a good ol’ shower woohoo. 😉 Gotta keep Grace interested somehow!

This is a great way to make a lazy sim who loves the outdoors happy lol.

Grace nooooo! I knew this would happen. Her energy when she left for work was yellow, and instead of going to bed, she picked up Isla to cuddle her… -5

OMG she’s gonna do it again. PUT ISLA DOWN, GO PEE, THEN GO TO BED!

Spoiler: she put Isla to bed and then went to bed herself, so she’ll probably pee herself in the morning. *facepalm*

She woke up to pee, then broke the toilet. /sigh. I replaced it but she went back to bed. /doublesigh.

There it is. She woke up, took a bath, then wet herself. /SIIIIGH. -5

Awh, Denice scooted herself all the way out to the living room to wiggle to the music. ❤

Welp. Am I going to regret this? Maybe. But one more nooboo Grace, kplzthx. We’re definitely keeping her barefoot and pregnant, lmao.

It’s Denice’s birthday, thank god. And at least one of the two guests is cheering for her, unlike Isla’s toddler birthday. Denice rolled independent as her trait, and got Top Notch Infant to replace the points Grace lost us! +10

Grace: I heard that!

Good. You were supposed to.

Here’s our little heartbreaker. ❤

With that, I will end this chapter. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Self Wetting: -5: 2
Pass Out: -5: 1
Failing School: -5:
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs: -5:
Accidental Deaths: -10:
Fires: -10:
Social Worker Visit: -15:
Single Birth: +5: 3
Twins: +10:
Triplets: +15:
Any sim in the household completing an Aspiration Milestone (Child, Teen and Adult): +5: 8
Any sim in the household completing a full Aspiration (Child, Teen and Adult): +10:
All toddler Skills at level 3: +5:
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members: +10:
Children (Child and Teen) earning an A in school: +5:
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs: +5:
Happy Toddler Trait Earned: +5:
Top-Notch Infant Trait Earned: +10: 2
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned: +10:
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E): +10:
NTH sims passing University classes with a grade of C or higher: +5:
NTH sims passing University classes with A+: +10:
NTH sims graduating University with A+ in all classes:+15:
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation: +10:
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation: +10:
Every 100,000 simoleons earned: +20:
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder: +5:
Total: 60

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