Chapter 1.1 – Wasting No Time

Hello everyone, and welcome to my very first ISBI challenge! I’ve tried to do one of these before, but without making public updates, I kinda sorta end up cheating and giving my sims a ton of money so that they don’t have to live in squalor… lol. The title of this chapter is also an homage to LadyStix’s A Berry Crazy ISBI, which inspired me to start this challenge for real. Anyway! Let’s meet our foundress.

This is Annika Darling, per the challenge rules I used the story function in CAS to randomize her traits and LTW. She is lazy, outgoing, and a music lover, and her LTW is Super Parent. Because of the story function, she already has a job as a politician, and she is level 3 in her career (she’s a Social Justice Worker right now). Side note, how cute is that top??!!

I’ve never used the story function before so I was very surprised she started with 30K to her name!!! 😲 Per the challenge rules I had her purchase Brooks Bridge Borough in Glimmerbrook, with the lot traits homey, home studio, and great acoustics. Per the challenge, I set her remaining simoleons to $0….

…which is easier said than done with this darn quest popping up!! I ended the quest once and before Ann could even get in the door, it popped up again and gave her more money, lol. I’ll just leave the money it gave her for now, and then delete it once she comes back from her job in the morning.

Ann’s first order of business is to sit on her rump and watch tv while playing on her phone. Honestly…. Same. #lazysim

I got started on the Lifelong Aspirations quest because I didn’t see any rules against it.

Ann: “Ugh, you mean I gotta get up and do stuff?”

Yes, you do. Don’t give me any attitude, missy. Also, once you have some money… Definitely gonna buy some more lights. It’s so dim in this house!

Weeeell…. I was going to start that quest, but she already completed one of the goals of her LTW (become an adult), and the second goal is to spend $1,000 on kid stuff. Can’t do that quite yet. Time to go out and see if there are any eligible bachelors/bachelorettes!

I sent Ann to the bar and the only two people there were the elderly bartender and this cutie, Grace Anansi. I had Ann introduce herself… Grace doesn’t seem particularly impressed, though. She’s cute and single, and definitely a candidate if they get along well! (I’m obsessed with Ann’s rings!!! Too cute)

I think Grace might have a crush… 😏 And Ann knows it too!

Ann decided to put the moves on Grace… In the teeny tiny bathroom. This lady wasn’t impressed, but Grace sure was! Look at that smile.

Ann: “For you. <3”

Cute. At least it’s outside the bathroom this time.

After some intense flirting and hand kissing, Ann leans in and gives Grace a big ol’ smoocheroo!!

Ann: “Think she liked it?”

I think so. 😏

Before I could make them girlfriends, Grace got tired and went home! Darn it. Ann isn’t worried about it though, as she watches her new love interest walk away.

Ann: “I hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave!”

Whew, keep it in your pants girl, we got time to woo her, I promise!!! After that, I sent Ann home as well.

One of her wants was to take a nap (gotta love lazy sims).

Nap time’s over, get your soon-to-be-girlfriend over here pronto!!!

Ann: “Already on it!”

By the time Grace arrived, so did two neighbors–Emilia Ernst…

And the elderly bartender, Minerva Charm! They brought food, so I thought it would be best to actually talk to them instead of ignoring them completely since Grace was there. I don’t think Grace minds!

Grace: “I’m just happy to be in her presence.”

God, get married already you two!!

Ann/Grace: *smooooch*

Emilia: “In front of guests?”

Minerva: “Stop staring, love’s a beautiful thing!”

Emilia: “If you say so…”

Don’t be so judgemental, woman.

Nooooooooo!!!! I can’t believe it. Well, maybe we can still move her in and have a child or two. I guess they don’t have to get married. I’m so upset. 😭

Ann: “Maybe I can change her. <3”

Minerva: “Hell yeah, get her, honey!”

I don’t want to see you get your heart broken, Anni. </3

Oops, I didn’t even see this guy come in! His name is Tomax Colette. He’s been sitting in the kitchen all alone this whole time. Looks like he helped himself to the gourmet fruitcake without asking if anyone else wanted a slice.

Tomax: “So lonely….”


Ann: “So uh, when did you get here?”

Great manners, Anni.

After wooing her some more, Anni finally asked if Grace would be her girlfriend… And she said yes!!!

I mean, how could she deny her feelings?? Look at that face.

I didn’t see any rules against the three trait discoveries sims can have, I’m assuming you just can’t get rid of ones you don’t want (someone correct me if I’m wrong). So now Anni’s traits are lazy, outgoing, music lover, and romantic. I think it’s fitting seeing as she whisked Grace right off her feet!

Minerva: “Hell yeah, baby! I knew you could reel her in!”

Emilia: “Ugh, cringe.”

Such a hater, Emilia. Do better.

Tomax: “So…. lonely….”

Ann: “So uh, Grace… How do you feel about marriage?”

Too soon, too soon!! Grace shot that idea down FAST.

But she didn’t shut down the chance to hop in bed with Anni. 😏

Emilia: “Try not to think about what they’re doing in there…”

Minerva: “Uh, kid, you’re blocking the tv.”

After spamming more romantic and friendly actions, it finally popped up… Propose.

Ann: “Whew, I’m nervous!”

I would be too if I was proposing to someone noncommital, lol. I don’t have high hopes. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Oof… Here it comes. Looks like Emilia expects Anni to be rejected, too.

Wait, what? She said yes!!!

Grace: “Who could say no to this ring?”

Ann: “I knew she would say yes all along.”

I’m sure you did.

Emilia: “I knew I shouldn’t have come here.”

Such a hater. But she couldn’t take her eyes off the lovebirds. Eloping time!

Minerva: “Oh, I gotta get a picture of this!”

Seriously, I can’t get enough of these two.

So that marks the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! There were no points earned but I will put the scoring system below. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

  • Single Birth +5 = 0
  • Twin Birth +10 = 0
  • Triplet Birth +15 = 0
  • Any sim in household completing ANY aspiration milestone (child and adult) +5 = 0
  • Any sim in household completing aspirations (child and adult) +10 = 0
  • Toddler skills maxed by Non-Torch Holder toddlers +5 = 0
  • Skills (child and adult) maxed by Non-Torch Holder family members +10 = 0
  • Non-Torch Holder children (child and teen) earning an A in school +5 = 0
  • Positive Traits earned by Non-Torch Holders* +5 = 0
  • Happy Toddler trait earned +5 = 0
  • Top-Notch Toddler trait earned +10 = 0
  • Non-Torch Holder sims reaching the top of their career (teen/YA/adult/elder) +10 = 0
  • Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation +10 = 0
  • Not using spares’ satisfaction reward points for an entire generation +10 = 0
  • Every $100,000 earned +20 = 0
  • Immortalizing the Torch Holder +5 = 0
  • Self-Wetting -5 = 0
  • Passing Out -5 = 0
  • Getting Grungy -5 = 0
  • Failing School -5 = 0
  • Getting struck by lightning -5 = 0
  • Negative Traits earned by Non-Torch Holders -5 = 0
  • Accidental death of household member -10 = 0
  • Fires -10 = 0
  • Social Worker visit -15 = 0
  • Not meeting all generational goals -15 = 0

Total = 0

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